The British Test Share: Welcome to the The British Test Let's find out how much you know about the United Kingdom 1. Which is the UKs longest motorway? M1 M4 M25 M6 None 2. Which is closest to Liverpool? Glasgow Newcastle Manchester Norwich None 3. Which castle is furthest South? Glamis Castle Warwick Castle Skipton Castle Windsor Castle None 4. Which of these is not in the UK? Cardiff Dublin Belfast Edinburgh None 5. What was the UKs approximate population in 2021? 87.33 million 67.33 million 107.33 million 33.33 million None 6. What is the UK minimum wage for an adult in 2023? £10.42 £8.42 £14.42 A shilling None 7. What is the national animal of Scotland? Unicorn Haggis Eagle Bull None 8. What is the UKs most popular pet? Hamster Cat Dog Snake None 9. What is the UKs favourite takeaway cuisine? Chinese Indian Thai Mexican None 10. Where was the Titanic built? Belfast Southampton Newcastle Glasgow None 11. What is the number one crisp Flavour in the UK? Cheese and Onion Salt and Vinegar Beef Prawn Cocktail None 12. How many cities are there in the UK? 76 86 96 66 None 13. What is the capital of England? Cardiff Liverpool Dublin London None 14. Which is furthest north? Birmingham Dublin Carlisle Northampton None 15. What is the M5? Motorway Supermarket Chain A Spy Network Whiskey Manufacturer None 16. What is a Chav? A glass of ale An Item of clothing A loutish young person A taxi None I hope you enjoyed the quiz Enter your details to get a complete breakdown of your results straight to your inbox. We do not keep your details! If you don't wish to do this leave it blank and click Submit! Name Email Time's upShare: