2000s Music Quiz UK Number 1 Hit Records


2000s Music Quiz – UK Number 1 Hit Singles Quiz 2000 – 2009. Who had the 1st number 1 of the millennium? what was the title of Afromans record?

During the 2000s 275 singles hit the UK number 1 slot. Amazingly Westlife had 11 number 1 hit singles. During this decade the charts also changed from just purchased records to include Internet downloads.

In 2008 there was a 33% in record sales (Including physical and digital sales). I am sure that was a big relief to not only the artists but to everyone working in the music industry. This was a positive indication that the music industry had finally caught up with the Internet community.

Feel free to tell us what your favourite track was from this decade. You can do this by using the comment section below or using our Facebook Page.

So how many of these UK Number 1 Hit Singles Quiz 2000 – 2009 can you identify? Take the 2000s Music Quiz below and find out if you are a Musical Guru

UK Number 1 Hit Singles Quiz 2000 – 2009

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