
Free Quizzes

Not Very Rude Word Quiz: What is a Smeg Head?


Would you happen to know what these rude words mean? Our “Red Dwarf Quiz” mentions it but what is a “Smeg Head”? You may be amused or possibly horrified at the answer. Either way, I’m sure it will make you smile.

Are you excited to take a quiz entirely free of vulgarities or swear words? Look no further! The quiz you’re about to take only contains TV-safe words, so you can take it with confidence. Not only that but you’re guaranteed to smile when you see the questions. And if that’s not enough, the answers are included so you can learn a few fun facts. How chuffin’ brilliant is that! You can get started now and enjoy the fun.

If you love comedy as much as we do, you should try the Young Ones Quiz or the 90s Comedy Quiz

Are you ready to prove your mastery in a not-very-rude words vocabulary quiz? Let’s cut to the chase and test your skills.

Not Very Rude Words Quiz

Words that are rude for some prudish pedants 

Red Dwarf Quiz – The Smeghead Test

A to Z Big Words Quiz – but do you know what they mean?

Quiz Simple Spelling – Are you a 1 in 10?
