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Take Our Fun Scottish Language Quiz! What is the Glaswegian saying?


Test your knowledge of the Glasgow dialect with our hilarious Scottish language quiz. Can you translate Glaswegian sayings into English?. We chose to use the Glasgow dialect, so it’s full of Glaswegian sayings. Your challenge is to translate the Glaswegian accent into English. A good example of Glasgow slang is “Away you an bile yer heid. Which loosely translates as “Please leave me alone”.


Interesting Facts About Scotland

We all know Scotland is famous for whiskey, but it also produces 80% of the UK’s Gin. With over 100 different types, Scotland’s gin is enough to please even the best experts. Oh, by the way, did you know that Gin is just flavoured vodka? Honestly, it’s flavoured with juniper berries and other ingredients.

Scotland has nearly 800 islands off its coast. 130 of them are inhabited, with the most populated islands being Lewis and Harris, Mainland Shetland, and Mainland Orkney. So, if you’re ever looking for a nice small island to invade Scotland is definitely a place worth considering. That’s exactly what the Vikings did many years ago.

Not many people know that Scotland has four official languages. English, Scots, British Sign Language, and Scottish Gaelic (not to be confused with Irish Gaelic).

Haggis is the national dish of Scotland. I love the stuff; it’s absolutely delicious and worth trying. The Haggis is only found in Scotland and is a difficult wee beastie to hunt. It takes a skilled Huntsman a lot of effort to capture.

Personally, we love Glasgow! It is a fantastic city with really friendly people. It’s well worth a visit, but, don’t moan about the weather! Of course, it rains; it’s bound to its way up north. So, put down your deep-fried Mars bar, drink your Irn-Bru and crack on with the Scottish Language Quiz.

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