Take the Ultimate 1970s Movie Quiz: Jaws, The Exorcist, The Godfather, and More


1970s Movie Quiz 2 ÷ Twelve Fun questions on classic films.  Featuring classics such as Jaws, The Exorcist, and The Godfather starring Marlon Brando. He portrays a Sicilian Mafia boss who is struggling to keep control of his family and its empire. It is definitely one to add to your watch list.

The movie Alien also appears in the questions. It’s one of the best science fiction movies ever made. It’s so good that many films have emulated its story and cinematic style. 


In 1975 the movie One Flew over the Cukoo Nest hit the silver screen. It’s one of those magical films with the ability to make you feel scared, sad, and then smile. It stars Jack Nicholson, a brilliant role as a criminal who ends up in a mental asylum. I won’t say much more as I could talk about it all day. Jack also stars in The Shining which gets a mention in our Classic Horror Movie Quiz

Another movie referenced in the quiz is the 1976 boxing classic Rocky starring Sylvester Stallone. These days it seems rather cheesy and cliche but you need to remember it’s over forty years old. Back in its day, it was a massive hit with half-decent music.

Now I have set the scene it’s time to begin The 1970s Movie Quiz

1970s Movie Quiz 2

 A decade of classics such as Jaws, Rocky and Alien

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