The Ultimate Breaking Bad Quiz: Test Your Knowledge on the Award-Winning Crime Drama
Breaking Bad Quiz based on the excellent American crime drama by Vince Gilligan. The show first hit our screens in 2008 and consisted of 5 seasons. Walter White is a schoolteacher whose life is challenged by a terminal illness. To say he does some crazy things is somewhat of an understatement.
The newly unemployed schoolteacher decides to start creating and distributing methamphetamine. Walter White teams up with Jesse a former student. At first, everything goes really well.
Then, things suddenly go from bad to worse without warning. It’s a very clever and well-written story. I have to admit that I was captivated from the first episode to the last.
All you have to do is answer 12 questions to find out if you are a Breaking Bad Quiz Guru.
Breaking Bad
12 Questions with Answers
Line of Duty Quiz – Are you a Brit Cop Drama Detective Inspector?
Killing Eve Quiz – Are you a Villanelle Guru?